Thursday, June 10, 2010

YourView Launches in San Juan Capistrano

Now that the iPhone App version 1.0 is available in iTunes, and the website is finished, we're launching our Preview in San Juan Capistrano!

While you can set your Location to just about anywhere in the US and Canada, we're focusing on one community right now to fully test all the features. Soon, we will be launching in Las Vegas and New York. And, later this summer, in more cities around the US.

Are you a local merchant? click here to get more information.

Are you a non-profit or charitable organization? sign up here for a free account

Please use the "Feedback" link at the bottom of each page to tell us what's working and what's broken. Thanks for your help!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Bull's Eye

What the heck is a 'Bull's Eye' ( )and why is it in the conversation balloons?

Members can express their opinions of a post by voting. The choices are Vote Up, Vote Down or "Bull's Eye."

When you Vote Up (represented by a 'thumbs up' symbol), your vote is recorded by displaying or increasing the number next to the vote. Also, the author is given some points to his YourView 'rank' which is a measure of his reliability and trustability.

When you Vote Down (a 'thumbs down' symbol) the post becomes visibly a little more transparent, indicating that it is less important than others.

When a post really does a great job answering a question, give it a 'Bull's Eye.' The post gets a little more opaque and pronounced to indicate that it is considered to be more important, and the author earns more points.

How can I trust an answer to my question? One way is to look for the author's Rank.