Where can I ask a support question?
email support questions to:  feedback@yourview.com

What is YourView?
YourView is a mobile, location-based, real-time conversation platform.
       Or, in plain English:
A place where you can have a live chat with someone in any location you choose in order to get information, suggestions or answers to your questions.

What Type of Memberships Are available (Free)
Regular Memberships - Join Conversations, Ask Questions, View Discounts/Offers nearby
Merchant Memberships - Promote your business, Give Discounts/Coupons to those nearby
Organization Memberships - Community & Official Organizations - Join Conversations and Broadcast Important Information

Can I Promote My Business on YourView

Yes, but you have to sign up for a Merchant Account first.   Click here to sign up for a Merchant Account.   To learn about Merchant Accounts

Is YourView Free?
Yes.  YourView.com is free to members and to non-profit or governmental organizations.  Local businesses and merchants pay a nominal monthly subscription for access to the merchant features.  For a limited time, all Merchants can get a no-risk Free Trial Membership and Marketing Credits.

Why would I use Yourview?
Say you wanted to know if the parking lot at the beach was full, or if the live music at your favorite club was any good, or if the mid-mountain lift line was crowded – you’d like to ask someone who is there if you only know how to reach them.  With YourView.com you can join live conversations to get and share information about any place you choose. 
Is there an iPhone App?
Yes, and it’s Free!  Apps for other devices are coming soon.
YourView ‘Walk-Thru’
You don’t need to register or even login to use most of the features of YourView.com.  Just click the “Chime In” button or go to www.yourview.com/main.yv to get started.
  1.  Pick a location you’re interested in – it doesn’t have to be where you are right now, just someplace you’d like to ask a question about. 
  2. Yourview displays conversations that are nearby the location you picked.
  3. Click any one of them to join in.  (If you want to Start a New Conversation, you’ll have to log in.)
  4. The most recent posts will be displayed below.  To Chime In, just type your question or comment at the bottom and click “Submit.”
Setting a Location
YourView recognizes many locations in the US and Canada.  More countries will be added soon. 
In the location text box (next to the “Find” button), you can type any of the following:
  • A city name
  • A zip code
  • A telephone area code
  • A neighborhood name like Greenwich Village
  • An airport identifier like LAX or JFK
  • A “point of interest” like Grand Canyon or Rockefeller Center

Viewing Nearby Conversations

When you select a location, the 10 closest conversations are displayed.  Basically we just keep displaying conversations until we get to 10 – even if they’re pretty far away.  If you need to, feel free to start a new conversation closer to your location.
Selecting a Conversation to view

Check out a few of the conversations to see if they might be helpful.  Remember that you don’t have to get really specific with location.  For instance, lots of people in Greater New York might be able to answer your question about Greenwich Village.  Just pick a conversation nearby and Chime In.  If you don’t get an answer right away, try another conversation, or start a new one.
When joining a conversation, IT DOESN’T MATTER what’s currently being discussed.  Any question or comment about that location is fair game.  This isn’t a forum with strict rules or etiquette – all questions or comments relating to the location are permitted.  So long as you’re generally polite, you can Chime In to any conversation and ask any question about the location.
Starting a new conversation

First select the location you’re interested in, then click “Start New Conversation.”  You’ve got to be logged in to start a new conversation.  Choose one of the 8 types of conversations and then type away. 
Conversation types

Just as a general guideline, new conversations are given a ‘type.’  Since we send out lots of notifications when a new conversation is started, this helps to bring others to the conversation and generate useful responses.  Over a short time, however, conversation topics wander.  This is a good thing.  It’s the location that’s the real topic at YourView.com, so don’t worry if the initial type of conversation is different from what you need.  Just Chime In anyway.
How long does a conversation last?

Generally, after about an hour of inactivity the conversation ends.  After all, once you get your information, there’s no need to hang around.  If you don’t see a conversation nearby, just start one yourself.
Do I have to “Check In”?

Nope.  We don’t actually care where you are.  We only care about what location you want to chat about.
What if I ask a question and nobody answers?

It happens, especially as YourView.com is growing.  Starting a new conversation triggers lots of notifications to people who might be able to answer your question.   If there’s no immediate reply, you can wait a little while and try again or post a Q and A question instead.  The Q and A questions are a little longer lived and might get a better answer if you have the time.
What new features are coming?

YourView.com hosts conversations where locations are the topic and naturally there are lots of local businesses and merchants who would like to let you know that they’re ready for your business.  These merchants will be able to offer immediate discounts and coupons to you when the Merchant Features are completed.   You’ll want to visit YourView.com not only when you have a question, but also when you’re looking for a great deal where you are right now, or where you’re going soon. 
Direct Messaging, Q and A, User Ranking and Recognition, Local Experts, Notifications, Photo uploads and much more will be added as the features are completed and tested. 
Can I advertise my business on YourView?

At the moment, our platform is designed for Direct Response Marketing programs with real-time coupons and discounts instead of passive advertising.
Can I find discounts and coupons on YourView?

You bet.  When completed, YourView.com will be a great source of coupons and discounts.  If you don’t see your local merchant on YourView, you can suggest that they give it a try.  Let them know that you use YourView and many others do too.
How does YourView help local merchants and businesses?

Merchants can get live access to visitors and residents who have questions, are looking for deals and discounts, or just want to know about services and products available locally.  Merchant coupons are displayed only to participants in a conversation that meet the merchant’s criteria.  This is the most targeted and timely marketing available.  Also, merchants can interact in real time, if they choose, by joining conversations directly.  This provides access not only to potential customers who are nearby right now, but also to those customers who are planning to be nearby soon.  This combines the best features of Search Marketing with Intention-based Marketing.

Can my Chamber of Commerce or Visitors Bureau use YourView?

Yes, Chambers of Commerce, Visitors and Convention Bureaus, Downtown Merchant’s Associations are all invited to join free of charge.  YourView.com provides a great way for their members to reach potential customers in a very cost-effective and efficient way.
How can My Town publish local events?

Local governmental organizations have the ability to post notices and PSA’s that are displayed to all new conversations that start in their area.  It’s completely free and the governmental agency needs to be verified before they can post announcements
Does YourView tell others where I am (or where I’ve been)?

No, YourView doesn’t really know where you are or where you’ve been.  The location you choose is simply a location you’d like to find some information about, whether or not you are actually there.
Is YourView safe?

We make every effort to ensure that YourView.com is a safe environment.  We collect only the barest minimum personal information about our users.  Posts (called “Chimes”) are shown with usernames and avatars rather than actual legal names or photos.  We do not collect or display a user’s location.   Members can help to protect themselves by not disclosing any personal information in their questions or comments and by not using an image for their avatar that discloses any information that is private. 
Where does the information come from? / How do I know if it’s reliable?

As with any advice, you make a judgment about who is giving you the information.  Unlike static review websites, you can ask follow up questions for clarification and to form an opinion about the credibility of the information.  You can get additional opinions from other users.    Ultimately, the information is being provided by peers, not YourView.com, so you have to decide for yourself.